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CEO, Comprehensive Rehabilitation Program (supported employment services for disabled adults)

  • Community Nonprofit
  • Morgantown WV

  • Morgantown WV
  • This position has been filled

Our client enjoys a well-deserved reputation as a dynamic, non-profit organization providing essential services to individuals with disabilities for over 50 years. Helping people with disabilities find meaningful employment may involve a job coach, pre-vocational training and ongoing vocational rehabilitation services. Our community-led organization supports clients of all backgrounds and abilities, helping them achieve career goals and live fulfilling, integrated lives: a place to work, a place to live, a place to play and a place to save. By fostering independence and promoting community participation, our client operates several lines of business that employ people with disabilities, including: janitorial and grounds maintenance for long-standing federal and state contracts; secure document destruction on a state-wide level, and a  food services business offering premium boxed lunches and catering. PACE also collaborates with other regional businesses to facilitate suitable job placements ranging from custodial services and grounds maintenance to office tasks and food services. All clients receive Evaluation & Counseling based on individual abilities and interests, Tailored Training for desired vocation and job type and Employment Opportunities: that best meets that individual’s needs.

Our final slate of superbly qualified candidates included the successful candidate, a CEO of a faith-based nonprofit in the state providing job training and placement for adults in recovery or re-entering the community post-incarceration. The Selection Committee was unanimous. We also presented the CEO of the only comprehensive rehabilitation program (CRP) in the state larger than our client, a Board Member and an internal candidate.

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We never assume we know everything there is to know about any given industry sector or position. No matter how many times we’ve done a particular search, and how many people we know in a market, we follow our process, every time. This helps us avoid overlooking a great candidate or a new development in the sector.