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Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Community Mental Health Center (CMHC)
About the Organization:
High Plains Mental Health Center (HPMHC), an innovative, mission driven nonprofit provider of mental health services, has been serving Northwest Kansans since 1964. A Licensed Community Mental Health Center (CMHC), HPMHC was one of Kansas’ first provisionally Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs). HPMHC also offers a Licensed Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment program and a Crisis Stabilization Center. Because of the remote location, the Search Committee elected to focus on external candidates, so as to not cannibalize from the organization. We presented three outstanding candidates, including the successful candidate, who had been born and raised in this frontier region, and welcomed the opportunity to return.
We were then pleased to facilitate the hire of our #2 candidate (from Boston) for the position our successful candidate was leaving in another part of the state, for Pawnee Healthcare.
About the Area:
Headquartered in the city of Hays, in Ellis County, HPMHC has six full time offices and 20 additional service locations, as well as a 24×7 crisis hotline and a staff of 160. Last year, HPMHC provided counseling, therapy, substance use treatment, community-based support services and psychiatry services to 7149 clients spread out over 20 counties in a rural geographic area larger than the state of New Jersey.
An early pioneer in telehealth technology, HPMHC was one of the first CMHCs to provide telehealth services, initially via tele-video conference units in every county, beginning with county hospitals and jails. Long before the pandemic, HPMHC was providing individual therapy services via TVC in satellite locations. Most recently, HPMHC implemented a mobile Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) team in its densest population area. In 2023, HPMHC began implementing a Mobile Crisis Services unit.
About the Position:
Having served HPMHC for 45 years, HPMHC’s current CEO is retiring at the end of this year. The Board has engaged the Boland Group to assist the Search Committee in identifying, evaluating and selecting the CEO to lead HPMHC going forward.
About the Opportunity:
The successful CEO candidate will assume the helm of a vibrant organization with extremely strong finances and operations. HPMHC has an exceptionally stable leadership team on both the administrative and the clinical side. With revenues near $17M and net assets over $10M, the prospect of joining this high performing organization will be an attractive and compelling opportunity for the right leader.
Qualifications and Experience:
Seeking CEO with an undergraduate degree in a relevant discipline, and at least ten years financial, operations and/or people management experience in a healthcare or allied setting. Must have an understanding of community mental health center operations and funding. Preference for a graduate degree in a relevant discipline and/or second line management experience. Those who meet all the requirements and have prior leadership experience in a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) or Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) will receive preference.
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